more Medicare-eligible consumers to YOU.
- Consumers interested in SilverSneakers are directed to a co-branded PlanEnroll landing page to learn more about MA plans and the SilverSneakers benefit.
- Consumers can submit their information so that you can reach out to offer assistance in finding MA plan options that includes the SilverSneakers benefit.
- Consumers will receive automated follow-up emails, always directing them to you as their designated agent for guidance and enrollment.

- Complete the PlanEnroll training on if you have not already.
- Complete the SilverSneakers-specific trainings to ensure your knowledge of the SilverSneakers program and its value to consumers. Find the trainings right at
- Register for a MedicareCENTER account (if you don’t already have one) to access your personal agent website (pURL).
- Register for LeadCENTER and create a Realtime Lead Campaign with lead type “SilverSneakers PlanEnroll (Realtime Lead)”.
- Click the “I’m Available” switch in MedicareCENTER or LeadCENTER to receive real-time calls or data leads.
We have tons of information to send your way. Give us a call at 800-365-8208 to learn more or
fill out the information below and we’ll send you all the details.