Are you following the guidelines when contacting prospective clients?
- Door-to-Door Solicitation (Door Knocking)
- Telephonic or electronic (Cold-calling, texting, etc.)
- Calling a “referral” from a current client
- Leaving Flyers, Leaflets, etc. at residences or on cars
- Approaching potential enrollees in common areas such as parking lots, lobbies, sidewalks, retail stores, etc.
- Calling attendees of a Sales Event (unless express permission is given for a follow-up call)
So with all those prohibitions on how you can make contact with consumers, what can you do?
Permitted Contact:
- Call individuals when valid “permission to call/contact” is given
- Give your contact info to current clients who want to refer a friend/relative (the referred individual needs to contact you directly)
- Call your current MA enrollees to promote other Medicare plan types or to discuss plan benefits (ex. contact your PDP enrollees to promote MA-PD products)
- Call current enrollees to discuss/inform them about general plan information, such as: Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) dates, plan changes, educational events, etc.
- Return phone calls/messages or leave information at a residence if your prescheduled appointment becomes a No-Show
- Direct mail campaigns (make sure your mailers are compliant though!)
- Email potential enrollees, provided all emails contain an opt-out function and follow other generic marketing material guidelines.
Call the Marketing Staff here at Premier to get additional information: 800-365-8208