Vantage Flex Plus™ is here!
Bankers Fidelity’s Vantage Flex Plus is a supplemental Hospital Indemnity Insurance policy that works in conjunction with major medical and other insurance to help cover out-of-pocket expenses due to hospital stay.
- Issue Ages: 18-85
- Guarantee Issue Ages 64.5 – 65.5
- Plans: Individual, Individual & Spouse, Individual & Child(ren), Family Plan
- Daily Hospital Confinement; Amounts $100-$750*
- Benefit Period Options are 3-10, 15, 21, 31 days or First Day Hospital Confinement*
- No Networks or Deductibles
- Customizable Coverage with Optional Benefits
*Amounts and Periods vary by state.
- Urgent Care
- Emergency Room
- Hospital Admission; amounts $100-$5,000*
- Observation Room
- Ambulance: Air, Ground, Water
- ICU Admission
- Daily ICU Confinement
- Rehabilitation Unit Confinement
- Skilled Nursing Facility Confinement
- Outpatient Surgery
- Minor Diagnostic Exam
- Major Diagnostic Exam
- Invasive Diagnostic Exam
- Non-Local Transportation
- Family Member Lodging
- Health Screening

Fill out the information below to get detailed information on how to begin offering Vantage Flex Plus™. If you’d rather chat, call a Senior Health Specialists at Premier Marketing: 800-365-8208.