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Getting Started with Medicare

The Medicare Market is one of most stable and most appealing segments in the insurance world. Those unfamiliar with traditional Medicare coverage and the programs to help with the gaps […]

Marketing Insurance through Faith Based Organizations

Does working with and through faith-based organizations to help their congregations understand insurance products appeal to you, and fit your overall marketing strategy? If so, consider “Marketing to Faith Based […]

Sales Strategies for Top Selling SureBridge Products

Dental/Vision/Hearing plans, Critical Illness plans and Hospital Indemnity Plans from Surebridge help deal with gaps that even the most comprehensive of health plans exhibit. These programs are always welcome, and […]

Helping Veterans with their Healthcare Choices

The Medicare Beneficiaries who have served our country and enjoy benefits through TriCare for Life, & the Veteran’s Administration are special prospects. And, they may well be confused as to […]

Working with Leading Medicare Supplement Carriers

Competing in the Medicare Market requires carriers who offer not only competitive premiums and benefits, but also cutting edge marketing and agent support. Augmenting Medicare Supplement coverage with other coverages […]

The Anthem Advantage with Amerigroup in Texas

Texas is one of the most attractive Medicare markets on the country, and one of the most competitive in terms of benefits and carriers serving Medicare beneficiaries. For insurance agents, […]

Using UnitedHealthcare’s Toolkit to Grow Your Sales

Major insurance carriers offer major support, with UnitedHealthcare using their Medicare Marketing Toolkit as part of that support to their contracted agents. Studies show that agents who take advantage of […]